Sunday, July 19, 2009

6 weeks update

Here are a few more pictures of Blake, now at 6 weeks old. I cannot figure out how to do captions on each picture, so I'll number each picture in order with a caption:
1. The cousin's finally meet!! Here is Blake with his cousin Riley. Those arms holding them both belong to Grando (sorry dad, your head got cut off!)
2. Here is me and my new best friend. No, not Blake, but the Baby Beco! Some wonderful mothers who I worked with bought this for me and I love it. It allows me to do things around the house, and also puts Blake right to sleep. Win-win situation.
3. Man in the mirror. Now this is Blake's new best friend. He LOVES looking at himself in the mirror. One day I left him in his crib for 20 minutes as he studied himself. I wonder what he is thinking?
4. Blake wrapped up after bath. Just too cute for words!

5. Cousin Lily came to visit and somehow they both ended up in the crib! Here Lily is reading Blake a book. Hopefully he will be as advanced a reader as Lily.
6. This is Blake around 4 weeks. Just being cute.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Just some pics....

Just a quick update on baby Blake. He is growing so fast so I wanted to post a few more pics. He will be one month next week! Eric and I are having so much fun watching him grow before our eyes! Some of Blake's favorite things include hanging out with Rudy, taking naps with dad, evening walks with mom, and peeing on his clothes. He must go through 10 outfits a day! The boy DOES NOT like to be wet and will let us know it. He is the Houdini of urinating on himself. I will change his diaper and outfit, and within seconds he is already wet again! I don't know how he does it. Anyway, we are enjoying life with our sweet, sweet boy. I hesitate to say this, but I believe Blake has inherited Eric's laid back personality. He is very "go with the flow" and "easy breezy" about life, just like his father. I just hope he stays this way!